1950 Brick Ranch Renovation
Initial Description
Brick Ranch Style with some Bungalow Details, Built 1950, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
New kitchen, new half bath, new master bath, rearranged spaces around sleeping rooms, new attic stair, demolished and replaced building systems (air conditioning, electrical and plumbing), new ceiling in den, new interior finishes, complete overhaul of exterior.
The first owner built the home and lived in it with his family for more than 50 years. Upon purchase, the second owner addressed maintenance issues and space planning issues in the house through a comprehensive renovation that changed the floor plan within the existing building footprint.
The captioned images below will give you a sense of the journey for this project…
BEFORE: The original wood on this home was beyond its useful life: you could poke through the eaves with your bare hands.
BEFORE: The flat roof that gets covered with Pin Oak leaves is removed. The entrance is announced with better lighting.
BEFORE: The entire house was conditioned by a single industrial-sized air conditioner (which made an industrial-sized noise when running).
DURING: The entire air conditioning system is demolished and replaced with two systems: one for the public spaces and one for the sleeping rooms.
BEFORE: The hot water heater was improperly vented so it's relocated and gets a pump to move water from one end of the house to the other.
DURING: The existing supply water lines in the attic are not insulated so they gain and lose heat. The water lines are insulated.
DURING: The house is significantly under insulated. That's corrected in the attic with new insulation.ting light fixtures (except for some decorative pieces) are demolished and replaced with efficient, air-tight fixtures rated for contact with insulation. New wiring is installed.
DURING: The existing light fixtures (except for some decorative pieces) are demolished and replaced with efficient, air-tight fixtures rated for contact with insulation. New wiring is installed.

DURING: The bathroom for the two bedrooms at the front of the house is kept in original condition though most parts are dismantled and reconditioned to work properly.
DURING: All of the wood on the exterior is removed and replaced with a cement fiberboard. Most windows and doors are left intact.

AFTER: The front entrance has been cleaned up, all the wood has been replaced and the single garage door will soon be installed.
BEFORE: The small doors to the original garage made it very difficult to make the turn into the garage.
DURING: The two garage openings are combined. The space is not quite wide enough for two cars though another bay can be added to the back of the building.
BEFORE: This wall separates the kitchen from the breakfast room beyond, by the door.
BEFORE: The breakfast room is cut-off from the kitchen.
DURING: The enameled metal cabinets are carefully removed. They've become popular again though they're not easy to find.

AFTER: The kitchen is now open to the breakfast space. If you're in the kitchen, you now have visual command of the side door.

AFTER: A peninsula is added to the new kitchen to create more counter and storage space. The increased natural light makes a dramatic difference.
BEFORE: The existing master bathroom is relatively modest with original finishes.
BEFORE: The existing pedestal sink in the master bathroom doesn't offer much room for common toiletry items.

AFTER: New cabinets and sink are installed.
BEFORE: The existing shower in the master bath is not much more than 3'-0" square.

AFTER: Changes to the master bedroom closet double the shower size. The original door is reconditioned.

AFTER: A thermostatic mixer (temperature control) and separate flow control make it easy to control the shower and accessories.

BEFORE: The pink toilet and disorienting tile pattern on the floor have to go.
DURING: The existing attic stair and landing are demolished and replaced with a single flight.
BEFORE: The is the entire master bedroom closet.

AFTER: Changing the attic stair allows a more spacious master closet.
BEFORE: The den behind the foyer is twice as long as it is wide and has a ceiling just under 8'-0". It's an uncomfortable room though it has beautiful paneling.
DURING: The ceiling is removed so we can measure how much space we have beneath the flat roof at the back of the house.
DURING: The house was built on a concrete slab. The beautiful terrazzo floor is cut to run a sewer line across the den to install a new half-bathroom for guests.
DURING: A tray ceiling is installed to raise the center of the room to 10'-0". Even without the ceiling installed, it's a tremendous improvement.

AFTER: The bright ceiling, layers of lighting and new doors at the end of the space highlight the beautiful paneling.
BEFORE: A bit of testing determines the wood floors are all solid planks that can be refinished.

AFTER: The refinished floors really help make the rooms feel warmer.

AFTER: A hidden room was installed in this house. People familiar with the previous layout have not been able to detect it's location or entrance.

AFTER: The dining and living rooms are completely reconditioned and refinished.

BEFORE: The dining room chandelier is one of the last pieces to be installed after being completely disassembled, cleaned and restored.